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Lets Dream Together
We would love to hear about
your vision and business plan
Silicon Valley Quad (SVQ) is a syndicate of investors that provides seed capital to US incorporated first-time technology entrepreneurs. SVQ provides ample capital for 18 to 24 months to reach a meaningful milestone, setting companies up to attract venture capital from Series A investors. SVQ invests in both B2B and B2C startups.
Although we can't respond to all submissions, if you're a first-time entrepreneur seeking seed funding for a US-incorporated early-stage technology business, please email deals@svquad.com with the following details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Your name
Your startup's name
Country of incorporation of your startup
Month (Year) when you began the startup
Short write-up on your startup including the amount you are raising
Pitch deck and a demo video of your product/solution (if applicable and available)